New: human powered grave monument with video!
Together with Den Hollandsche Gedenktekens, a Dutch company specialized in grave monuments, Audionetic and its sister company Playnetic developed a human powered grave monument with audio and video.
Sharing personal memories is an important part of life. The idea behind the interactive grave monument is to make a visit to the cemetery a more meaningful experience. The new interactive grave monument doesn’t need any external electricity because the visitor generates the necessary electricity by himself.
Martijn van der Veen of Den Hollandsche Gedenktekens explains:
“We at Den Hollandsche like to introduce people to a new world of remembrance. If you now you look around you see many grave monuments which are hard and static. We want to change this by bringing more dynamics into grave monuments. Dynamics through motion and power generation, to create audiovisual memories via the interactive memorial. Along with the family you can always choose new images, sounds and memories. In this way we also want to appeal to younger generations and encourage them to make more frequent visits to the cemetery. Imagine that a child asks his parents: ‘Shall we go to grandpa and can I turn the wheel? I like to see him!’ Would that not be wonderful?”
On April 22, 2017 the new interactive grave monument will be presented at the funeral exhibition at the Westerkerk in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.